Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Say Yes to the Dress and Lavish Weddings

This episode of Say Yes to the Dress and the article on lavish weddings shows that the way people think about weddings haven't really changed all that much since the early 1900's. Ever since weddings became a lavish event, the traditions in them haven't changed very much. In the reading, it points out that if you want, you can spend an unnecessary amount of money, and have a replica of Cinderella's wedding in Cinderella's castle at Disney world. Considering this, it shouldn't surprise anybody that on Say Yes to the Dress, they made a remark that 50% of brides want to be a princess. Or that Crystal wanted a "princess glam" dress. Or that Deborah wanted to look like Princess Di. Women grow up to want to be princesses and that probably will never change.
Another trend that may never change is the tradition of the white wedding dress. Queen Victoria wore a white dress in her wedding in the early 1800's, and ever since then it's been a tradition. Kelly from Say Yes to the Dress attempted to break that tradition, and ran into some conflict. When she found a black dress that she really liked, her mother really did not like it. When they found a white dress that fit her well, her mother, as well as her friends said that that was a much better look. Anything other than white at a wedding is almost cultural taboo.