Sunday, March 6, 2016

Duke Porn Star

Everyone does it differently. Some people get help from their parents. Some people get help from the government. A lot of people do it on their own. Of course what I'm talking about, is paying for college tuition. It must be paid for someway and there's many different ways of going about it. One Duke student happens to do it just a little bit different than everyone else. She makes money doing porn.
My favorite of the segments discussing this students actions was The View. They actually had the student on the show to give her own story about how this has affected her personal life. She says that she does it because there's no way she could've paid for Duke without doing this and it works well because she's a very sexual person. The hosts on the show are surprised that she was introduced to pornography so young, and they express their condolences for how this has affected her personal life, with some people going to extremes like sending this girl death threats.
The CNN video focuses a lot on her take and how it has changed her life. They discuss how she does it as a job for enjoyment and two guests on the show talk about how brave she is and give her some praise for becoming halfway famous doing something she loves. In her note she says that she gets empowerment from it because she can control the situation and her sexuality, but they point out the fact that she hasn't even told her parents about it.

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