Sunday, March 6, 2016

Sexual Objectification in Advertisements
This first ad seems to perfectly fit the bill of sexual objectification. This woman has her mouth open, with the "Super Seven Incher" on the way into her mouth. This ad is as close to selling oral sex as it legally can be. First off, the sandwich is obviously supposed to be representing the male genitalia. She looks surprised to see it coming towards her mouth. Another sexual reference is in the name. "Super Seven Incher" is an obvious reference towards penis length.
This ad is almost comical. Some ads that use sex to sell at least do something to incorporate a meaning to the sexual reference. In this ad, they literally just put gum in front of a woman's behind and say "look we have gum!" She's also pulling her underwear down because apparently gum makes her want to get naked(?) They pretty much just use this woman's body so that you are kind of forced to look at their gum.

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