Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Celebrity Life

Celebrities lives are much different than an average person's life. One of the main reasons for this is that celebrities must maintain an image that holds them to a standard that the average person doesn't know. Take Taylor Swift going to the gym for example. When a normal person goes to the gym, they most likely leave with the same clothes on, and only sometimes do they shower. When Taylor Swift goes to the gym, she probably rents out the whole gym, and then showers, has her makeup done, and changes into new clothes following her workout. Being a celebrity who is constantly dealing with media and paparazzi attention, Swift can't afford to leave the gym looking sweaty and, in a way, normal. Celebrities can't really afford to look normal because fans don't think of them that way. Celebrities deal with much more social pressure than the average person.

1 comment:

  1. Although I agree that they do deal with large amounts of social pressure, to be completely honest with you, I don't think half of them even care what people think about them. Take the Kardashians or the people for the Bad Girls Club. They can be pretty outrageous and idiotic. Yea, some people like Taylor care about what people think, I wish people like her wouldn't care so much. She's a influence to thousands of people, yet she still feels people won't accept her? I'm not saying she should go crazy and do something bad, but she should know that her fans don't care if she's perfect.
